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1963 - 1964 Photo Gallery

1963-1964 Photo Gallery Cover
The Power 1964

Mr. John Mulligan Varsity Head Coach Cross Country / Track & Field

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Cross Country Summary


Kevin O'Brien & Art McCarthy

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1964 Cardinal Hayes Yearbook Al Novell in Two Mile RelayB

Al Novell vies for the lead in a two mile relay at the Armory.

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1964 Seniors_Carroll_George J

Harry Holmes finds another gear as he sprints to the finish line. Kevin O'Brien is among the onlookers watching from the sideline. VCP Fall 1963

1964 Seniors_Davis Michael A
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Al Novell VCP 1963


Iggy Gonzalez

Br JC ONeill 1964_YrBk_FSE_015

Br. John O'Neill Track Team Moderator Freshman Coach

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1964 Seniors_Harrigan Patrick D

Joe Woods at VCP Fall 1963

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Looks like John Weston at the head of this pack.

1964 Seniors_Heaney James A

Brian McCollum & Ed Kelly


Art McCarthy Van Cortland Park 1963

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Br. N. J. Watkins Freshman Coach

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Ready...Set...Go... Freshman Rich Stewart & Garth McKay at the starting line.


Kevin O'Brien 1st CHSAA Harrier to break 13:00 at VCP


John LaBelle

1964 Seniors_LaBelle John L

Wakefield Mahon & Bob Spaulding control the top spots of this indoor race.

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Joe Threadgill is about to pass a rival harrier.

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Mr. T. V. Talty Assistant Freshman Coach


Freshman Garth McKay & Rich Stewart set the pace. 102nd Engineers Armory Indoors 1963-1964


Pat Harrigan (team manager) with Mr. John Mulligan

1964 Seniors_McCarthy Arthur P
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Joe Threadgill brings it home for the purple & gold.

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1964 Seniors_Neznamy Richard D

Rich Neznamy (Team Captain)


Bob Spaulding & Al Novell in the back hills of Van Cortlandt Park Fall 1963

1964 Seniors_Roig John M

Coming out of the back hills and now about a half mile from the finish line, Al Novell is just ahead of teammate Iggy Gonzalez at Van Cortlandt Park Fall 1963

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1964 Seniors_Roig Threadgill Joseph W
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